

+86 134 8020 6889

10-25kg/50kg powder filling machine

this machine one worker operation. machine automatically uploader powder into the tank. manual press the touch screen and filling the powder, after filling the setting weight, machine will stop filling. conveyor will assist worker move the bag to sealing, sewing thread.


this machine one worker operation. machine automatically uploader powder into the tank. manual press the touch screen and filling the powder, after filling the setting weight, machine will stop filling. conveyor will assist worker move the bag to sealing, sewing thread.


万宁市| 白河县| 那坡县| 天台县| 龙游县| 长宁区| 龙胜| 扶余县| 商南县| 扶绥县| 武定县| 柳林县| 哈密市| 垫江县| 定西市| 屏东市| 富源县| 贡觉县| 奉节县| 敖汉旗| 新安县| 曲阳县| 钟山县| 马尔康县| 石林| 宁化县| 大渡口区| 易门县| 新丰县| 营山县| 甘德县| 青河县| 三江| 武乡县| 名山县| 芒康县| 汾西县| 满洲里市| 英山县| 彰化市| 汾阳市|